// Compat.js /** * Compat functions * @category HTML * @package AJAX * @author Joshua Eichorn * @copyright 2005 Joshua Eichorn * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL */ /** * Functions for compatibility with older browsers */ if (!String.fromCharCode && !String.prototype.fromCharCode) { String.prototype.fromCharCode = function(code) { var h = code.toString(16); if (h.length == 1) { h = '0' + h; } return unescape('%' + h); } } if (!String.charCodeAt && !String.prototype.charCodeAt) { String.prototype.charCodeAt = function(index) { var c = this.charAt(index); for (i = 1; i < 256; i++) { if (String.fromCharCode(i) == c) { return i; } } } } // http://www.crockford.com/javascript/remedial.html if (!Array.splice && !Array.prototype.splice) { Array.prototype.splice = function(s, d) { var max = Math.max, min = Math.min, a = [], // The return value array e, // element i = max(arguments.length - 2, 0), // insert count k = 0, l = this.length, n, // new length v, // delta x; // shift count s = s || 0; if (s < 0) { s += l; } s = max(min(s, l), 0); // start point d = max(min(typeof d == 'number' ? d : l, l - s), 0); // delete count v = i - d; n = l + v; while (k < d) { e = this[s + k]; if (!e) { a[k] = e; } k += 1; } x = l - s - d; if (v < 0) { k = s + i; while (x) { this[k] = this[k - v]; k += 1; x -= 1; } this.length = n; } else if (v > 0) { k = 1; while (x) { this[n - k] = this[l - k]; k += 1; x -= 1; } } for (k = 0; k < i; ++k) { this[s + k] = arguments[k + 2]; } return a; } } if (!Array.push && !Array.prototype.push) { Array.prototype.push = function() { for (var i = 0, startLength = this.length; i < arguments.length; i++) { this[startLength + i] = arguments[i]; } return this.length; } } if (!Array.pop && !Array.prototype.pop) { Array.prototype.pop = function() { return this.splice(this.length - 1, 1)[0]; } } /* From IE7, version 0.9 (alpha) (2005-08-19) Copyright: 2004-2005, Dean Edwards (http://dean.edwards.name/) */ if (!DOMParser.parseFromString && window.ActiveXObject) { function DOMParser() {/* empty constructor */}; DOMParser.prototype = { parseFromString: function(str, contentType) { var xmlDocument = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM'); xmlDocument.loadXML(str); return xmlDocument; } }; function XMLSerializer() {/* empty constructor */}; XMLSerializer.prototype = { serializeToString: function(root) { return root.xml || root.outerHTML; } }; } // Main.js /** * JavaScript library for use with HTML_AJAX * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * @category HTML * @package Ajax * @author Joshua Eichorn * @author Arpad Ray * @author David Coallier * @author Elizabeth Smith * @copyright 2005 Joshua Eichorn, Arpad Ray, David Coallier, Elizabeth Smith * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL */ /** * HTML_AJAX static methods, this is the main proxyless api, it also handles global error and event handling */ var HTML_AJAX = { version: '0.5.2', defaultServerUrl: false, defaultEncoding: 'JSON', queues: false, clientPools: {}, // get an HttpClient, supply a name to use the pool of that name or the default if it isn't found httpClient: function(name) { if (name) { if (this.clientPools[name]) { return this.clientPools[name].getClient(); } } return this.clientPools['default'].getClient(); }, // Pushing the given request to queue specified by it, in default operation this will immediately make a request // request might be delayed or never happen depending on the queue setup // making a sync request to a non immediate queue will cause you problems so just don't do it makeRequest: function(request) { if (!HTML_AJAX.queues[request.queue]) { var e = new Error('Unknown Queue: '+request.queue); if (HTML_AJAX.onError) { HTML_AJAX.onError(e); return false; } else { throw(e); } } else { var qn = request.queue; var q = HTML_AJAX.queues[qn]; HTML_AJAX.queues[request.queue].addRequest(request); return HTML_AJAX.queues[request.queue].processRequest(); } }, // get a serializer object for a specific encoding serializerForEncoding: function(encoding) { for(var i in HTML_AJAX.contentTypeMap) { if (encoding == HTML_AJAX.contentTypeMap[i] || encoding == i) { return eval("new HTML_AJAX_Serialize_"+i+";"); } } return new HTML_AJAX_Serialize_Null(); }, fullcall: function(url,encoding,className,method,callback,args, options) { var serializer = HTML_AJAX.serializerForEncoding(encoding); var request = new HTML_AJAX_Request(serializer); if (callback) { request.isAsync = true; } request.requestUrl = url; request.className = className; request.methodName = method; request.callback = callback; request.args = args; if (options) { for(var i in options) { request[i] = options[i]; } if (options.grab) { if (!request.args || !request.args.length) { request.requestType = 'GET'; } } } return HTML_AJAX.makeRequest(request); }, callPhpCallback: function(phpCallback, jsCallback, url) { var args = new Array(); for (var i = 3; i < arguments.length; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } if (HTML_AJAX_Util.getType(phpCallback[0]) == 'object') { jsCallback(phpCallback[0][phpCallback[1]](args)); return; } if (!url) { url = HTML_AJAX.defaultServerUrl; } HTML_AJAX.fullcall(url, HTML_AJAX.defaultEncoding, false, false, jsCallback, args, {phpCallback: phpCallback}); }, call: function(className,method,callback) { var args = new Array(); for(var i = 3; i < arguments.length; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } return HTML_AJAX.fullcall(HTML_AJAX.defaultServerUrl,HTML_AJAX.defaultEncoding,className,method,callback,args); }, grab: function(url,callback,options) { if (!options) { options = {grab:true}; } else { options['grab'] = true; } return HTML_AJAX.fullcall(url,'Null',false,null,callback, '', options); }, post: function(url,payload,callback,options) { var serializer = 'Null'; if (HTML_AJAX_Util.getType(payload) == 'object') { serializer = 'Urlencoded'; } return HTML_AJAX.fullcall(url,serializer,false,null,callback, payload, options); }, replace: function(id) { var callback = function(result) { HTML_AJAX_Util.setInnerHTML(HTML_AJAX_Util.getElement(id),result); } if (arguments.length == 2) { // grab replacement HTML_AJAX.grab(arguments[1],callback); } else { // call replacement var args = new Array(); for(var i = 3; i < arguments.length; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } HTML_AJAX.fullcall(HTML_AJAX.defaultServerUrl,HTML_AJAX.defaultEncoding,arguments[1],arguments[2],callback,args, {grab:true}); } }, append: function(id) { var callback = function(result) { HTML_AJAX_Util.setInnerHTML(HTML_AJAX_Util.getElement(id),result,'append'); } if (arguments.length == 2) { // grab replacement HTML_AJAX.grab(arguments[1],callback); } else { // call replacement var args = new Array(); for(var i = 3; i < arguments.length; i++) { args.push(arguments[i]); } HTML_AJAX.fullcall(HTML_AJAX.defaultServerUrl,HTML_AJAX.defaultEncoding,arguments[1],arguments[2],callback,args, {grab:true}); } }, // override to add top level loading notification (start) Open: function(request) { }, // override to add top level loading notification (finish) Load: function(request) { }, /* // A really basic error handler onError: function(e) { msg = ""; for(var i in e) { msg += i+':'+e[i]+"\n"; } alert(msg); }, */ // Class postfix to content-type map contentTypeMap: { 'JSON': 'application/json', 'Null': 'text/plain', 'Error': 'application/error', 'PHP': 'application/php-serialized', 'HA' : 'application/html_ajax_action', 'Urlencoded': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, // used internally to make queues work, override Load or onError to perform custom events when a request is complete // fires on success and error requestComplete: function(request,error) { for(var i in HTML_AJAX.queues) { if (HTML_AJAX.queues[i].requestComplete) { HTML_AJAX.queues[i].requestComplete(request,error); } } }, // turns a form into a urlencoded string formEncode: function(form, array_format) { form = HTML_AJAX_Util.getElement(form); var el, inpType, value, name; var out = (array_format) ? {} : ''; var inputTags = form.getElementsByTagName('INPUT'); var selectTags = form.getElementsByTagName('SELECT'); var buttonTags = form.getElementsByTagName('BUTTON'); var textareaTags = form.getElementsByTagName('TEXTAREA'); var arrayRegex = /(.+)%5B%5D/; var validElement = function (element) { if (!element || !element.getAttribute) { return false; } el = element; name = HTML_AJAX_Util.encodeUrl(el.getAttribute('name')); if (!name) { // no element name so skip return false; } if (element.disabled) { return false; } if (!array_format) { value = HTML_AJAX_Util.encodeUrl(el.value); } else { value = el.value; } inpType = el.getAttribute('type'); return true; } inputLoop: for (var i=0; i < inputTags.length; i++) { if (!validElement(inputTags[i])) { continue; } if (inpType == 'checkbox' || inpType == 'radio') { if (!el.checked) { // unchecked radios/checkboxes don't get submitted continue inputLoop; } var arr_var = arrayRegex.exec(name); if (array_format && arr_var) { if (!out[arr_var[1]]) { out[arr_var[1]] = new Array(); } out[arr_var[1]].push(value); continue inputLoop; } } // add element to output array if (array_format) { out[name] = value; } else { out += name + '=' + value + '&'; } } // end inputLoop selectLoop: for (var i=0; i * @copyright 2005 Joshua Eichorn * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL */ // Single Buffer queue with interval // works by attempting to send a request every x miliseconds // if an item is currently in the queue when a new item is added it will be replaced // simple queue, just processes the request immediately // the first request starts the interval timer function HTML_AJAX_Queue_Interval_SingleBuffer(interval,singleOutstandingRequest) { this.interval = interval; if (singleOutstandingRequest) { this.singleOutstandingRequest = true; } } HTML_AJAX_Queue_Interval_SingleBuffer.prototype = { request: false, _intervalId: false, singleOutstandingRequest: false, client: false, addRequest: function(request) { this.request = request; }, processRequest: function() { if (!this._intervalId) { this.runInterval(); this.start(); } }, start: function() { var self = this; this._intervalId = setInterval(function() { self.runInterval() },this.interval); }, stop: function() { clearInterval(this._intervalId); }, runInterval: function() { if (this.request) { if (this.singleOutstandingRequest && this.client) { this.client.abort(); } this.client = HTML_AJAX.httpClient(); this.client.request = this.request; this.request = false; this.client.makeRequest(); } } } // Requests return in the same order they were called // this helps handle high latency situations function HTML_AJAX_Queue_Ordered() { } HTML_AJAX_Queue_Ordered.prototype = { request: false, order: 0, current: 0, callbacks: {}, interned: {}, addRequest: function(request) { request.order = this.order; this.request = request; this.callbacks[this.order] = this.request.callback; var self = this; this.request.callback = function(result) { self.processCallback(result,request.order); } }, processRequest: function() { var client = HTML_AJAX.httpClient(); client.request = this.request; client.makeRequest(); this.order++; }, requestComplete: function(request,e) { // something when wrong with the request lets stop waiting for it if (e) { this.current++; } }, processCallback: function(result,order) { if (order == this.current) { this.callbacks[order](result); this.current++; } else { this.interned[order] = result; } while (this.interned[this.current]) { this.callbacks[this.current](this.interned[this.current]); this.current++; } } } // Make a single request at once, canceling and currently outstanding requests when a new one is made function HTML_AJAX_Queue_Single() { } HTML_AJAX_Queue_Single.prototype = { request: false, client: false, addRequest: function(request) { this.request = request; }, processRequest: function() { if (this.request) { if (this.client) { this.client.abort(); } this.client = HTML_AJAX.httpClient(); this.client.request = this.request; this.request = false; this.client.makeRequest(); } } } /** * Priority queue * * @author Arpad Ray */ function HTML_AJAX_Queue_Priority_Item(item, time) { this.item = item; this.time = time; } HTML_AJAX_Queue_Priority_Item.prototype = { compareTo: function (other) { var ret = this.item.compareTo(other.item); if (ret == 0) { ret = this.time - other.time; } return ret; } } function HTML_AJAX_Queue_Priority_Simple(interval) { this.interval = interval; this.idleMax = 10; // keep the interval going with an empty queue for 10 intervals this.requestTimeout = 5; // retry uncompleted requests after 5 seconds this.checkRetryChance = 0.1; // check for uncompleted requests to retry on 10% of intervals this._intervalId = 0; this._requests = []; this._removed = []; this._len = 0; this._removedLen = 0; this._idle = 0; } HTML_AJAX_Queue_Priority_Simple.prototype = { isEmpty: function () { return this._len == 0; }, addRequest: function (request) { request = new HTML_AJAX_Queue_Priority_Item(request, new Date().getTime()); ++this._len; if (this.isEmpty()) { this._requests[0] = request; return; } for (i = 0; i < this._len - 1; i++) { if (request.compareTo(this._requests[i]) < 0) { this._requests.splice(i, 1, request, this._requests[i]); return; } } this._requests.push(request); }, peek: function () { return (this.isEmpty() ? false : this._requests[0]); }, requestComplete: function (request) { for (i = 0; i < this._removedLen; i++) { if (this._removed[i].item == request) { this._removed.splice(i, 1); --this._removedLen; out('removed from _removed'); return true; } } return false; }, processRequest: function() { if (!this._intervalId) { this._runInterval(); this._start(); } this._idle = 0; }, _runInterval: function() { if (Math.random() < this.checkRetryChance) { this._doRetries(); } if (this.isEmpty()) { if (++this._idle > this.idleMax) { this._stop(); } return; } var client = HTML_AJAX.httpClient(); if (!client) { return; } var request = this.peek(); if (!request) { this._requests.splice(0, 1); return; } client.request = request.item; client.makeRequest(); this._requests.splice(0, 1); --this._len; this._removed[this._removedLen++] = new HTML_AJAX_Queue_Priority_Item(request, new Date().getTime()); }, _doRetries: function () { for (i = 0; i < this._removedLen; i++) { if (this._removed[i].time + this._requestTimeout < new Date().getTime()) { this.addRequest(request.item); this._removed.splice(i, 1); --this._removedLen; return true; } } }, _start: function() { var self = this; this._intervalId = setInterval(function() { self._runInterval() }, this.interval); }, _stop: function() { clearInterval(this._intervalId); this._intervalId = 0; } }; // clientPool.js HTML_AJAX_Client_Pool = function(maxClients, startingClients) { this.maxClients = maxClients; this._clients = []; this._len = 0; while (--startingClients > 0) { this.addClient(); } } HTML_AJAX_Client_Pool.prototype = { isEmpty: function() { return this._len == 0; }, addClient: function() { if (this.maxClients != 0 && this._len > this.maxClients) { return false; } var key = this._len++; this._clients[key] = new HTML_AJAX_HttpClient(); return this._clients[key]; }, getClient: function () { for (var i = 0; i < this._len; i++) { if (!this._clients[i].callInProgress() && this._clients[i].callbackComplete) { return this._clients[i]; } } var client = this.addClient(); if (client) { return client; } return false; }, removeClient: function (client) { for (var i = 0; i < this._len; i++) { if (!this._clients[i] == client) { this._clients.splice(i, 1); return true; } } return false; }, clear: function () { this._clients = []; this._len = 0; } }; // create a default client pool with unlimited clients HTML_AJAX.clientPools['default'] = new HTML_AJAX_Client_Pool(0); // IframeXHR.js /** * XMLHttpRequest Iframe fallback * * http://lxr.mozilla.org/seamonkey/source/extensions/xmlextras/tests/ - should work with these * * @category HTML * @package AJAX * @author Elizabeth Smith * @copyright 2005 Elizabeth Smith * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL */ HTML_AJAX_IframeXHR_instances = new Object(); function HTML_AJAX_IframeXHR() { this._id = 'HAXHR_iframe_' + new Date().getTime(); HTML_AJAX_IframeXHR_instances[this._id] = this; } HTML_AJAX_IframeXHR.prototype = { // Data not sent with text/xml Content-Type will only be available via the responseText property // properties available in safari/mozilla/IE xmlhttprequest object onreadystatechange: null, // Event handler for an event that fires at every state change readyState: 0, // Object status integer: 0 = uninitialized 1 = loading 2 = loaded 3 = interactive 4 = complete responseText: '', // String version of data returned from server process responseXML: null, // DOM-compatible document object of data returned from server process status: 0, // Numeric code returned by server, such as 404 for "Not Found" or 200 for "OK" statusText: '', // String message accompanying the status code iframe: true, // flag for iframe //these are private properties used internally to keep track of stuff _id: null, // iframe id, unique to object(hopefully) _url: null, // url sent by open _method: null, // get or post _async: null, // sync or async sent by open _headers: new Object(), //request headers to send, actually sent as form vars _response: new Object(), //response headers received _phpclass: null, //class to send _phpmethod: null, //method to send _history: null, // opera has to have history munging // Stops the current request abort: function() { var iframe = document.getElementById(this._id); if (iframe) { document.body.removeChild(iframe); } if (this._timeout) { window.clearTimeout(this._timeout); } this.readyState = 1; if (typeof(this.onreadystatechange) == "function") { this.onreadystatechange(); } }, // This will send all headers in this._response and will include lastModified and contentType if not already set getAllResponseHeaders: function() { var string = ''; for (i in this._response) { string += i + ' : ' + this._response[i] + "\n"; } return string; }, // This will use lastModified and contentType if they're not set getResponseHeader: function(header) { return (this._response[header] ? this._response[header] : null); }, // Assigns a label/value pair to the header to be sent with a request setRequestHeader: function(label, value) { this._headers[label] = value; return; }, // Assigns destination URL, method, and other optional attributes of a pending request open: function(method, url, async, username, password) { if (!document.body) { throw('CANNOT_OPEN_SEND_IN_DOCUMENT_HEAD'); } //exceptions for not enough arguments if (!method || !url) { throw('NOT_ENOUGH_ARGUMENTS:METHOD_URL_REQUIRED'); } //get and post are only methods accepted this._method = (method.toUpperCase() == 'POST' ? 'POST' : 'GET'); this._decodeUrl(url); this._async = async; if(!this._async && document.readyState && !window.opera) { throw('IE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_SYNC_WITH_IFRAMEXHR'); } //set status to loading and call onreadystatechange this.readyState = 1; if(typeof(this.onreadystatechange) == "function") { this.onreadystatechange(); } }, // Transmits the request, optionally with postable string or DOM object data send: function(content) { //attempt opera history munging if (window.opera) { this._history = window.history.length; } //create a "form" for the contents of the iframe var form = '
'; //tell iframe unwrapper this IS an iframe form += ''; //class and method if (this._phpclass != null) { form += ''; } if (this._phpmethod != null) { form += ''; } // fake headers for (label in this._headers) { form += ''; } // add id form += ''; if (content != null && content.length > 0) { form += ''; } form += ''; form += 'document.forms[0].submit();
'; form = "javascript:document.write('" + form.replace(/\'/g,"\\'") + "');void(0);"; this.readyState = 2; if (typeof(this.onreadystatechange) == "function") { this.onreadystatechange(); } // try to create an iframe with createElement and append node try { var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.id = this._id; // display: none will fail on some browsers iframe.style.visibility = 'hidden'; // for old browsers with crappy css iframe.style.border = '0'; iframe.style.width = '0'; iframe.style.height = '0'; if (document.all) { // MSIE, opera iframe.src = form; document.body.appendChild(iframe); } else { document.body.appendChild(iframe); iframe.src = form; } } catch(exception) { // dom failed, write the sucker manually var html = ''; document.body.innerHTML += html; } if (this._async == true) { //avoid race state if onload is called first if (this.readyState < 3) { this.readyState = 3; if(typeof(this.onreadystatechange) == "function") { this.onreadystatechange(); } } } else { //we force a while loop for sync, it's ugly but hopefully it works while (this.readyState != 4) { //just check to see if we can up readyState if (this.readyState < 3) { this.readyState = 3; if(typeof(this.onreadystatechange) == "function") { this.onreadystatechange(); } } } } }, // attached as an onload function to the iframe to trigger when we're done isLoaded: function(headers, data) { this.readyState = 4; //set responseText, Status, StatusText this.status = 200; this.statusText = 'OK'; this.responseText = data; this._response = headers; if (!this._response['Last-Modified']) { string += 'Last-Modified : ' + document.getElementById(this._id).lastModified + "\n"; } if (!this._response['Content-Type']) { string += 'Content-Type : ' + document.getElementById(this._id).contentType + "\n"; } // if this is xml populate responseXML accordingly if (this._response['Content-Type'] == 'application/xml') { return new DOMParser().parseFromString(this.responseText, 'application/xml'); } //attempt opera history munging in opera 8+ - this is a REGRESSION IN OPERA if (window.opera && window.opera.version) { //go back current history - old history window.history.go(this._history - window.history.length); } if (typeof(this.onreadystatechange) == "function") { this.onreadystatechange(); } document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById(this._id)); }, // strip off the c and m from the url send...yuck _decodeUrl: function(querystring) { //opera 7 is too stupid to do a relative url...go figure var url = unescape(location.href); url = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); var item = querystring.split('?'); //rip off any path info and append to path above <- relative paths (../) WILL screw this this._url = url + item[0].substring(item[0].lastIndexOf("/") + 1,item[0].length); if(item[1]) { item = item[1].split('&'); for (i in item) { var v = item[i].split('='); if (v[0] == 'c') { this._phpclass = v[1]; } else if (v[0] == 'm') { this._phpmethod = v[1]; } } } if (!this._phpclass || !this._phpmethod) { var cloc = window.location.href; this._url = cloc + (cloc.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? '&' : '?') + 'px=' + escape(HTML_AJAX_Util.absoluteURL(querystring)); } } } // serializer/UrlSerializer.js // {{{ HTML_AJAX_Serialize_Urlencoded /** * URL-encoding serializer * * This class can be used to serialize and unserialize data in a * format compatible with PHP's handling of HTTP query strings. * Due to limitations of the format, all input is serialized as an * array or a string. See examples/serialize.url.examples.php * * @version 0.0.1 * @copyright 2005 Arpad Ray * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * * See Main.js for Author/license details */ function HTML_AJAX_Serialize_Urlencoded() {} HTML_AJAX_Serialize_Urlencoded.prototype = { contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', base: '_HTML_AJAX', _keys: [], error: false, message: "", cont: "", // {{{ serialize /** * Serializes a variable * * @param mixed inp the variable to serialize * @return string a string representation of the input, * which can be reconstructed by unserialize() */ serialize: function(input, _internal) { if (typeof input == 'undefined') { return ''; } if (!_internal) { this._keys = []; } var ret = '', first = true; for (i = 0; i < this._keys.length; i++) { ret += (first ? HTML_AJAX_Util.encodeUrl(this._keys[i]) : '[' + HTML_AJAX_Util.encodeUrl(this._keys[i]) + ']'); first = false; } ret += '='; switch (HTML_AJAX_Util.getType(input)) { case 'string': case 'number': ret += HTML_AJAX_Util.encodeUrl(input.toString()); break; case 'boolean': ret += (input ? '1' : '0'); break; case 'array': case 'object': ret = ''; for (i in input) { this._keys.push(i); ret += this.serialize(input[i], true) + '&'; this._keys.pop(); } ret = ret.substr(0, ret.length - 1); } return ret; }, // }}} // {{{ unserialize /** * Reconstructs a serialized variable * * @param string inp the string to reconstruct * @return array an array containing the variable represented by the input string, or void on failure */ unserialize: function(input) { if (!input.length || input.length == 0) { // null return; } if (!/^(\w+(\[[^\[\]]*\])*=[^&]*(&|$))+$/.test(input)) { this.raiseError("invalidly formed input", input); return; } input = input.split("&"); var pos, key, keys, val, _HTML_AJAX = []; if (input.length == 1) { return HTML_AJAX_Util.decodeUrl(input[0].substr(this.base.length + 1)); } for (var i in input) { pos = input[i].indexOf("="); if (pos < 1 || input[i].length - pos - 1 < 1) { this.raiseError("input is too short", input[i]); return; } key = HTML_AJAX_Util.decodeUrl(input[i].substr(0, pos)); val = HTML_AJAX_Util.decodeUrl(input[i].substr(pos + 1)); key = key.replace(/\[((\d*\D+)+)\]/g, '["$1"]'); keys = key.split(']'); for (j in keys) { if (!keys[j].length || keys[j].length == 0) { continue; } try { if (eval('typeof ' + keys[j] + ']') == 'undefined') { var ev = keys[j] + ']=[];'; eval(ev); } } catch (e) { this.raiseError("error evaluating key", ev); return; } } try { eval(key + '="' + val + '";'); } catch (e) { this.raiseError("error evaluating value", input); return; } } return _HTML_AJAX; }, // }}} // {{{ getError /** * Gets the last error message * * @return string the last error message from unserialize() */ getError: function() { return this.message + "\n" + this.cont; }, // }}} // {{{ raiseError /** * Raises an eror (called by unserialize().) * * @param string message the error message * @param string cont the remaining unserialized content */ raiseError: function(message, cont) { this.error = 1; this.message = message; this.cont = cont; } // }}} } // }}} // serializer/phpSerializer.js // {{{ HTML_AJAX_Serialize_PHP /** * PHP serializer * * This class can be used to serialize and unserialize data in a * format compatible with PHP's native serialization functions. * * @version 0.0.3 * @copyright 2005 Arpad Ray * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * * See Main.js for Author/license details */ function HTML_AJAX_Serialize_PHP() {} HTML_AJAX_Serialize_PHP.prototype = { error: false, message: "", cont: "", defaultEncoding: 'UTF-8', contentType: 'application/php-serialized; charset: UTF-8', // {{{ serialize /** * Serializes a variable * * @param mixed inp the variable to serialize * @return string a string representation of the input, * which can be reconstructed by unserialize() * @author Arpad Ray * @author David Coallier */ serialize: function(inp) { var type = HTML_AJAX_Util.getType(inp); var val; switch (type) { case "undefined": val = "N"; break; case "boolean": val = "b:" + (inp ? "1" : "0"); break; case "number": val = (Math.round(inp) == inp ? "i" : "d") + ":" + inp; break; case "string": val = "s:" + inp.length + ":\"" + inp + "\""; break; case "array": val = "a"; case "object": if (type == "object") { var objname = inp.constructor.toString().match(/(\w+)\(\)/); if (objname == undefined) { return; } objname[1] = this.serialize(objname[1]); val = "O" + objname[1].substring(1, objname[1].length - 1); } var count = 0; var vals = ""; var okey; for (key in inp) { okey = (key.match(/^[0-9]+$/) ? parseInt(key) : key); vals += this.serialize(okey) + this.serialize(inp[key]); count++; } val += ":" + count + ":{" + vals + "}"; break; } if (type != "object" && type != "array") val += ";"; return val; }, // }}} // {{{ unserialize /** * Reconstructs a serialized variable * * @param string inp the string to reconstruct * @return mixed the variable represented by the input string, or void on failure */ unserialize: function(inp) { this.error = 0; if (inp == "" || inp.length < 2) { this.raiseError("input is too short"); return; } var val, kret, vret, cval; var type = inp.charAt(0); var cont = inp.substring(2); var size = 0, divpos = 0, endcont = 0, rest = "", next = ""; switch (type) { case "N": // null if (inp.charAt(1) != ";") { this.raiseError("missing ; for null", cont); } // leave val undefined rest = cont; break; case "b": // boolean if (!/[01];/.test(cont.substring(0,2))) { this.raiseError("value not 0 or 1, or missing ; for boolean", cont); } val = (cont.charAt(0) == "1"); rest = cont.substring(1); break; case "s": // string val = ""; divpos = cont.indexOf(":"); if (divpos == -1) { this.raiseError("missing : for string", cont); break; } size = parseInt(cont.substring(0, divpos)); if (size == 0) { if (cont.length - divpos < 4) { this.raiseError("string is too short", cont); break; } rest = cont.substring(divpos + 4); break; } if ((cont.length - divpos - size) < 4) { this.raiseError("string is too short", cont); break; } if (cont.substring(divpos + 2 + size, divpos + 4 + size) != "\";") { this.raiseError("string is too long, or missing \";", cont); } val = cont.substring(divpos + 2, divpos + 2 + size); rest = cont.substring(divpos + 4 + size); break; case "i": // integer case "d": // float var dotfound = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cont.length; i++) { cval = cont.charAt(i); if (isNaN(parseInt(cval)) && !(type == "d" && cval == "." && !dotfound++)) { endcont = i; break; } } if (!endcont || cont.charAt(endcont) != ";") { this.raiseError("missing or invalid value, or missing ; for int/float", cont); } val = cont.substring(0, endcont); val = (type == "i" ? parseInt(val) : parseFloat(val)); rest = cont.substring(endcont + 1); break; case "a": // array if (cont.length < 4) { this.raiseError("array is too short", cont); return; } divpos = cont.indexOf(":", 1); if (divpos == -1) { this.raiseError("missing : for array", cont); return; } size = parseInt(cont.substring(0, divpos)); cont = cont.substring(divpos + 2); val = new Array(); if (cont.length < 1) { this.raiseError("array is too short", cont); return; } for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { kret = this.unserialize(cont, 1); if (this.error || kret[0] == undefined || kret[1] == "") { this.raiseError("missing or invalid key, or missing value for array", cont); return; } vret = this.unserialize(kret[1], 1); if (this.error) { this.raiseError("invalid value for array", cont); return; } val[kret[0]] = vret[0]; cont = vret[1]; } if (cont.charAt(0) != "}") { this.raiseError("missing ending }, or too many values for array", cont); return; } rest = cont.substring(1); break; case "O": // object divpos = cont.indexOf(":"); if (divpos == -1) { this.raiseError("missing : for object", cont); return; } size = parseInt(cont.substring(0, divpos)); var objname = cont.substring(divpos + 2, divpos + 2 + size); if (cont.substring(divpos + 2 + size, divpos + 4 + size) != "\":") { this.raiseError("object name is too long, or missing \":", cont); return; } var objprops = this.unserialize("a:" + cont.substring(divpos + 4 + size), 1); if (this.error) { this.raiseError("invalid object properties", cont); return; } rest = objprops[1]; var objout = "function " + objname + "(){"; for (key in objprops[0]) { objout += "this." + key + "=objprops[0]['" + key + "'];"; } objout += "}val=new " + objname + "();"; eval(objout); break; default: this.raiseError("invalid input type", cont); } return (arguments.length == 1 ? val : [val, rest]); }, // }}} // {{{ getError /** * Gets the last error message * * @return string the last error message from unserialize() */ getError: function() { return this.message + "\n" + this.cont; }, // }}} // {{{ raiseError /** * Raises an eror (called by unserialize().) * * @param string message the error message * @param string cont the remaining unserialized content */ raiseError: function(message, cont) { this.error = 1; this.message = message; this.cont = cont; } // }}} } // }}} // Dispatcher.js /** * Class that is used by generated stubs to make actual AJAX calls * * @category HTML * @package AJAX * @author Joshua Eichorn * @copyright 2005 Joshua Eichorn * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL */ function HTML_AJAX_Dispatcher(className,mode,callback,serverUrl,serializerType) { this.className = className; this.mode = mode; this.callback = callback; this.serializerType = serializerType; if (serverUrl) { this.serverUrl = serverUrl } else { this.serverUrl = window.location; } } HTML_AJAX_Dispatcher.prototype = { /** * Queue to use when making a request */ queue: 'default', /** * Timeout for async calls */ timeout: 20000, /** * Default request priority */ priority: 0, /** * Request options */ options: {}, /** * Make an ajax call * * @param string callName * @param Array args arguments to the report method */ doCall: function(callName,args) { var request = new HTML_AJAX_Request(); request.requestUrl = this.serverUrl; request.className = this.className; request.methodName = callName; request.timeout = this.timeout; request.contentType = this.contentType; request.serializer = eval('new HTML_AJAX_Serialize_'+this.serializerType); request.queue = this.queue; request.priority = this.priority; for(var i in this.options) { request[i] = this.options[i]; } for(var i=0; i < args.length; i++) { request.addArg(i,args[i]); }; if ( this.mode == "async" ) { request.isAsync = true; if (this.callback[callName]) { var self = this; request.callback = function(result) { self.callback[callName](result); } } } else { request.isAsync = false; } return HTML_AJAX.makeRequest(request); }, Sync: function() { this.mode = 'sync'; }, Async: function(callback) { this.mode = 'async'; if (callback) { this.callback = callback; } } }; // HttpClient.js /** * XMLHttpRequest Wrapper * @category HTML * @package AJAX * @author Joshua Eichorn * @copyright 2005 Joshua Eichorn * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL */ function HTML_AJAX_HttpClient() { } HTML_AJAX_HttpClient.prototype = { // request object request: null, // timeout id _timeoutId: null, callbackComplete: true, // has this request been aborted aborted: false, // method to initialize an xmlhttpclient init:function() { try { // Mozilla / Safari //this.xmlhttp = new HTML_AJAX_IframeXHR(); //uncomment these two lines to test iframe //return; this.xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { // IE var XMLHTTP_IDS = new Array( 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP.5.0', 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0', 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0', 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP' ); var success = false; for (var i=0;i < XMLHTTP_IDS.length && !success; i++) { try { this.xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject(XMLHTTP_IDS[i]); success = true; } catch (e) {} } if (!success) { try{ this.xmlhttp = new HTML_AJAX_IframeXHR(); this.request.iframe = true; } catch(e) { throw new Error('Unable to create XMLHttpRequest.'); } } } }, // check if there is a call in progress callInProgress: function() { switch ( this.xmlhttp.readyState ) { case 1: case 2: case 3: return true; break; default: return false; break; } }, // make the request defined in the request object makeRequest: function() { if (!this.xmlhttp) { this.init(); } try { if (this.request.Open) { this.request.Open(); } else if (HTML_AJAX.Open) { HTML_AJAX.Open(this.request); } if (this.request.multipart) { if (document.all) { this.iframe = true; } else { this.xmlhttp.multipart = true; } } // set onreadystatechange here since it will be reset after a completed call in Mozilla var self = this; this.xmlhttp.open(this.request.requestType,this.request.completeUrl(),this.request.isAsync); if (this.request.customHeaders) { for (i in this.request.customHeaders) { this.xmlhttp.setRequestHeader(i, this.request.customHeaders[i]); } } if (this.request.customHeaders && !this.request.customHeaders['Content-Type']) { var content = this.request.getContentType(); //opera is stupid for anything but plain text or xml!! if(window.opera && content != 'application/xml') { this.xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','text/plain; charset=utf-8'); this.xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('x-Content-Type', content + '; charset=utf-8'); } else { this.xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', content + '; charset=utf-8'); } } if (this.request.isAsync) { if (this.request.callback) { this.callbackComplete = false; } this.xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { self._readyStateChangeCallback(); } } else { this.xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {} } var payload = this.request.getSerializedPayload(); if (payload) { this.xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Length', payload.length); } this.xmlhttp.send(payload); if (!this.request.isAsync) { if ( this.xmlhttp.status == 200 ) { HTML_AJAX.requestComplete(this.request); if (this.request.Load) { this.request.Load(); } else if (HTML_AJAX.Load) { HTML_AJAX.Load(this.request); } return this._decodeResponse(); } else { var e = new Error('['+this.xmlhttp.status +'] '+this.xmlhttp.statusText); e.headers = this.xmlhttp.getAllResponseHeaders(); this._handleError(e); } } else { // setup timeout var self = this; this._timeoutId = window.setTimeout(function() { self.abort(true); },this.request.timeout); } } catch (e) { this._handleError(e); } }, // abort an inprogress request abort: function (automatic) { if (this.callInProgress()) { this.aborted = true; this.xmlhttp.abort(); if (automatic) { HTML_AJAX.requestComplete(this.request); this._handleError(new Error('Request Timed Out: time out was '+this.request.timeout+'ms')); } } }, // internal method used to handle ready state changes _readyStateChangeCallback:function() { try { switch(this.xmlhttp.readyState) { // XMLHTTPRequest.open() has just been called case 1: break; // XMLHTTPRequest.send() has just been called case 2: if (this.request.Send) { this.request.Send(); } else if (HTML_AJAX.Send) { HTML_AJAX.Send(this.request); } break; // Fetching response from server in progress case 3: if (this.request.Progress) { this.request.Progress(); } else if (HTML_AJAX.Progress ) { HTML_AJAX.Progress(this.request); } break; // Download complete case 4: window.clearTimeout(this._timeoutId); if (this.aborted) { if (this.request.Load) { this.request.Load(); } else if (HTML_AJAX.Load) { HTML_AJAX.Load(this.request); } } else if (this.xmlhttp.status == 200) { if (this.request.Load) { this.request.Load(); } else if (HTML_AJAX.Load ) { HTML_AJAX.Load(this.request); } var response = this._decodeResponse(); if (this.request.callback) { this.request.callback(response); this.callbackComplete = true; } } else { var e = new Error('HTTP Error Making Request: ['+this.xmlhttp.status+'] '+this.xmlhttp.statusText); this._handleError(e); } HTML_AJAX.requestComplete(this.request); break; } } catch (e) { this._handleError(e); } }, // decode response as needed _decodeResponse: function() { //try for x-Content-Type first var content = null; try { content = this.xmlhttp.getResponseHeader('X-Content-Type'); } catch(e) {} if(!content || content == null) { content = this.xmlhttp.getResponseHeader('Content-Type'); } //strip anything after ; if(content.indexOf(';') != -1) { content = content.substring(0, content.indexOf(';')); } // hook for xml, it doesn't need to be unserialized if(content == 'application/xml') { return this.xmlhttp.responseXML; } var unserializer = HTML_AJAX.serializerForEncoding(content); //alert(this.xmlhttp.getAllResponseHeaders()); // some sort of debug hook is needed here return unserializer.unserialize(this.xmlhttp.responseText); }, // handle sending an error where it needs to go _handleError: function(e) { HTML_AJAX.requestComplete(this.request,e); if (this.request.onError) { this.request.onError(e); } else if (HTML_AJAX.onError) { HTML_AJAX.onError(e,this.request); } else { throw e; } } } // Request.js /** * Class that contains everything needed to make a request * This includes: * The url were calling * If were calling a remote method, the class and method name * The payload, unserialized * The timeout for async calls * The callback method * Optional event handlers: onError, Load, Send * A serializer instance * * @category HTML * @package AJAX * @author Joshua Eichorn * @copyright 2005 Joshua Eichorn * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * * See Main.js for author/license details */ function HTML_AJAX_Request(serializer) { this.serializer = serializer; } HTML_AJAX_Request.prototype = { // Instance of a serializer serializer: null, // Is this an async request isAsync: false, // HTTP verb requestType: 'POST', // The actual URL the request is sent to requestUrl: '', // Remote Class className: null, // Remote Method methodName: null, // Timeout in milliseconds for requests timeout: 20000, // unserialized data, for rpc calls use add args, to send raw data just set this directly args: null, // async callback method callback: null, // Queue to push this request too queue: 'default', // default priority priority: 0, // a hash of headers to add to add to this request customHeaders: {'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', 'X-Ajax-Engine': 'HTML_AJAX/0.5.2'}, // true if this request will be sent using iframes iframe: false, // is this a grab request? if so we need to proxy for iframes grab: false, // true if this request should expect a multipart response multipart: false, // remote callback phpCallback: false, /** * Add an argument for the remote method * @param string argument name * @param mixed value * @return void * @throws Error code 1004 */ addArg: function(name, value) { if ( !this.args ) { this.args = []; } if (!/[^a-zA-Z_0-9]/.test(name) ) { this.args[name] = value; } else { throw new Error('Invalid parameter name ('+name+')'); } }, /** * Get the payload in a serialized manner */ getSerializedPayload: function() { return this.serializer.serialize(this.args); }, /** * Get the content type */ getContentType: function() { return this.serializer.contentType; }, /** * Get the complete url, adding in any needed get params for rpc */ completeUrl: function() { if (this.className || this.methodName) { this.addGet('c', this.className); this.addGet('m', this.methodName); } if (this.phpCallback) { if (HTML_AJAX_Util.getType(this.phpCallback) == 'array') { this.phpCallback = this.phpCallback.join('.'); } this.addGet('cb', this.phpCallback); } if (this.multipart) { this.addGet('multipart', '1'); } return this.requestUrl; }, /** * Compare to another request by priority */ compareTo: function(other) { if (this.priority == other.priority) { return 0; } return (this.priority > other.priority ? 1 : -1); }, /** * Add a GET argument */ addGet: function(name, value) { var url = new String(this.requestUrl); url += (url.indexOf('?') < 0 ? '?' : '&') + escape(name) + '=' + escape(value); this.requestUrl = url; } } // serializer/JSON.js /* Copyright (c) 2005 JSON.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* The global object JSON contains two methods. JSON.stringify(value) takes a JavaScript value and produces a JSON text. The value must not be cyclical. JSON.parse(text) takes a JSON text and produces a JavaScript value. It will throw a 'JSONError' exception if there is an error. */ var HTML_AJAX_JSON = { copyright: '(c)2005 JSON.org', license: 'http://www.crockford.com/JSON/license.html', /* Stringify a JavaScript value, producing a JSON text. */ stringify: function (v) { var a = []; /* Emit a string. */ function e(s) { a[a.length] = s; } /* Convert a value. */ function g(x) { var c, i, l, v; switch (typeof x) { case 'object': if (x) { if (x instanceof Array) { e('['); l = a.length; for (i = 0; i < x.length; i += 1) { v = x[i]; if (typeof v != 'undefined' && typeof v != 'function') { if (l < a.length) { e(','); } g(v); } } e(']'); return; } else if (typeof x.valueOf == 'function') { e('{'); l = a.length; for (i in x) { v = x[i]; if (typeof v != 'undefined' && typeof v != 'function' && (!v || typeof v != 'object' || typeof v.valueOf == 'function')) { if (l < a.length) { e(','); } g(i); e(':'); g(v); } } return e('}'); } } e('null'); return; case 'number': e(isFinite(x) ? +x : 'null'); return; case 'string': l = x.length; e('"'); for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { c = x.charAt(i); if (c >= ' ') { if (c == '\\' || c == '"') { e('\\'); } e(c); } else { switch (c) { case '\b': e('\\b'); break; case '\f': e('\\f'); break; case '\n': e('\\n'); break; case '\r': e('\\r'); break; case '\t': e('\\t'); break; default: c = c.charCodeAt(); e('\\u00' + Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) + (c % 16).toString(16)); } } } e('"'); return; case 'boolean': e(String(x)); return; default: e('null'); return; } } g(v); return a.join(''); }, /* Parse a JSON text, producing a JavaScript value. */ parse: function (text) { return (/^(\s+|[,:{}\[\]]|"(\\["\\\/bfnrtu]|[^\x00-\x1f"\\]+)*"|-?\d+(\.\d*)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?|true|false|null)+$/.test(text)) && eval('(' + text + ')'); } };// serializer/haSerializer.js /** * HTML_AJAX_Serialize_HA - custom serialization * * This class is used with the JSON serializer and the HTML_AJAX_Action php class * to allow users to easily write data handling and dom manipulation related to * ajax actions directly from their php code * * See Main.js for Author/license details */ function HTML_AJAX_Serialize_HA() { } HTML_AJAX_Serialize_HA.prototype = { /** * Takes data from JSON - which should be parseable into a nice array * reads the action to take and pipes it to the right method * * @param string payload incoming data from php * @return true on success, false on failure */ unserialize: function(payload) { var actions = eval(payload); for(var i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) { var action = actions[i]; switch(action.action) { case 'prepend': this._prependAttr(action.id, action.attributes); break; case 'append': this._appendAttr(action.id, action.attributes); break; case 'assign': this._assignAttr(action.id, action.attributes); break; case 'clear': this._clearAttr(action.id, action.attributes); break; case 'create': this._createNode(action.id, action.tag, action.attributes, action.type); break; case 'replace': this._replaceNode(action.id, action.tag, action.attributes); break; case 'remove': this._removeNode(action.id); break; case 'script': this._insertScript(action.data); break; case 'alert': this._insertAlert(action.data); break; } } }, /* Dispatch Methods */ _prependAttr: function(id, attributes) { var node = document.getElementById(id); this._setAttrs(node, attributes, 'prepend'); }, _appendAttr: function(id, attributes) { var node = document.getElementById(id); this._setAttrs(node, attributes, 'append'); }, _assignAttr: function(id, attributes) { var node = document.getElementById(id); this._setAttrs(node, attributes); }, _clearAttr: function(id, attributes) { var node = document.getElementById(id); for(var i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) { if(attributes[i] == 'innerHTML') { HTML_AJAX_Util.setInnerHTML(node, ''); } // value can't be removed else if(attributes[i] == 'value') { node.value = ''; } // I'd use hasAttribute first but IE is stupid stupid stupid else { try { node.removeAttribute(attributes[i]); } catch(e) { node[i] = undefined; } } } }, _createNode: function(id, tag, attributes, type) { var newnode = document.createElement(tag); this._setAttrs(newnode, attributes); switch(type) { case 'append': document.getElementById(id).appendChild(newnode); break case 'prepend': var parent = document.getElementById(id); var sibling = parent.firstChild; parent.insertBefore(newnode, sibling); break; case 'insertBefore': var sibling = document.getElementById(id); var parent = sibling.parentNode; parent.insertBefore(newnode, sibling); break; //this one is tricky, if it's the last one we use append child...ewww case 'insertAfter': var sibling = document.getElementById(id); var parent = sibling.parentNode; var next = sibling.nextSibling; if(next == null) { parent.appendChild(newnode); } else { parent.insertBefore(newnode, next); } break; } }, _replaceNode: function(id, tag, attributes) { var node = document.getElementById(id); var parent = node.parentNode; var newnode = document.createElement(tag); this._setAttrs(newnode, attributes); parent.replaceChild(newnode, node); }, _removeNode: function(id) { var node = document.getElementById(id); if(node) { var parent = node.parentNode; parent.removeChild(node); } }, _insertScript: function(data) { eval(data); }, _insertAlert: function(data) { alert(data); }, /* Helper Methods */ // should we move this to HTML_AJAX_Util???, just does the - case which we need for style _camelize: function(instr) { var p = instr.split('-'); var out = p[0]; for(var i = 1; i < p.length; i++) { out += p[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase()+p[i].substring(1); } return out; }, _setAttrs: function(node, attributes, type) { switch(type) { case 'prepend': for (var i in attributes) { // innerHTML is extremely flakey - use util method for it if(i == 'innerHTML') { HTML_AJAX_Util.setInnerHTML(node, attributes[i], 'append'); } //IE doesn't support setAttribute on style so we need to break it out and set each property individually else if(i == 'style') { var styles = []; if(attributes[i].indexOf(';')) { styles = attributes[i].split(';'); } else { styles.push(attributes[i]); } for(var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { var r = styles[i].match(/^\s*(.+)\s*:\s*(.+)\s*$/); if(r) { node.style[this._camelize(r[1])] = r[2] + node.style[this._camelize(r[1])]; } } } else { try { node[i] = attributes[i] + node[i]; } catch(e){} node.setAttribute(i, attributes[i] + node[i]); } } break; case 'append': { for (var i in attributes) { // innerHTML is extremely flakey - use util method for it if(i == 'innerHTML') { HTML_AJAX_Util.setInnerHTML(node, attributes[i], 'append'); } //IE doesn't support setAttribute on style so we need to break it out and set each property individually else if(i == 'style') { var styles = []; if(attributes[i].indexOf(';')) { styles = attributes[i].split(';'); } else { styles.push(attributes[i]); } for(var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { var r = styles[i].match(/^\s*(.+)\s*:\s*(.+)\s*$/); if(r) { node.style[this._camelize(r[1])] = node.style[this._camelize(r[1])] + r[2]; } } } else { try { node[i] = node[i] + attributes[i]; } catch(e){} node.setAttribute(i, node[i] + attributes[i]); } } break; } default: { for (var i in attributes) { //innerHTML hack bailout if(i == 'innerHTML') { HTML_AJAX_Util.setInnerHTML(node, attributes[i]); } else if(i == 'style') { var styles = []; if(attributes[i].indexOf(';')) { styles = attributes[i].split(';'); } else { styles.push(attributes[i]); } for(var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { var r = styles[i].match(/^\s*(.+)\s*:\s*(.+)\s*$/); if(r) { node.style[this._camelize(r[1])] = r[2]; } } } else { try { node[i] = attributes[i]; } catch(e){} node.setAttribute(i, attributes[i]); } } } } } } // Loading.js /** * Default loading implementation * * @category HTML * @package Ajax * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @copyright 2005 Joshua Eichorn * see Main.js for license Author details */ HTML_AJAX.Open = function(request) { var loading = document.getElementById('HTML_AJAX_LOADING'); if (!loading) { loading = document.createElement('div'); loading.id = 'HTML_AJAX_LOADING'; loading.innerHTML = 'Loading...'; loading.style.color = '#fff'; loading.style.position = 'absolute'; loading.style.top = 0; loading.style.right = 0; loading.style.backgroundColor = '#f00'; loading.style.border = '1px solid #f99'; loading.style.width = '80px'; loading.style.padding = '4px'; loading.style.fontFamily = 'Arial, Helvetica, sans'; loading.count = 0; document.body.insertBefore(loading,document.body.firstChild); } else { if (loading.count == undefined) { loading.count = 0; } } loading.count++; if (request.isAsync) { request.loadingId = window.setTimeout(function() { loading.style.display = 'block'; },500); } else { loading.style.display = 'block'; } } HTML_AJAX.Load = function(request) { if (request.loadingId) { window.clearTimeout(request.loadingId); } var loading = document.getElementById('HTML_AJAX_LOADING'); loading.count--; if (loading.count == 0) { loading.style.display = 'none'; } } // util.js /** * Utility methods * * @category HTML * @package Ajax * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * * See Main.js for author/license details */ // {{{ HTML_AJAX_Util /** * All the utilities we will be using thorough the classes */ var HTML_AJAX_Util = { // Set the element event registerEvent: function(element, event, handler) { element = this.getElement(element); if (typeof element.addEventListener != "undefined") { //Dom2 element.addEventListener(event, handler, false); } else if (typeof element.attachEvent != "undefined") { //IE 5+ element.attachEvent("on" + event, handler); } else { if (element["on" + event] != null) { var oldHandler = element["on" + event]; element["on" + event] = function(e) { oldHander(e); handler(e); }; } else { element["on" + event] = handler; } } }, // get the target of an event, automatically checks window.event for ie eventTarget: function(event) { if (!event) var event = window.event; if (event.target) return event.target; // w3c if (event.srcElement) return event.srcElement; // ie 5 }, // gets the type of a variable or its primitive equivalent as a string getType: function(inp) { var type = typeof inp, match; if(type == 'object' && !inp) { return 'null'; } if (type == "object") { if(!inp.constructor) { return 'object'; } var cons = inp.constructor.toString(); if (match = cons.match(/(\w+)\(/)) { cons = match[1].toLowerCase(); } var types = ["boolean", "number", "string", "array"]; for (key in types) { if (cons == types[key]) { type = types[key]; break; } } } return type; }, // repeats the input string the number of times given by multiplier. exactly like PHP's str_repeat() strRepeat: function(inp, multiplier) { var ret = ""; while (--multiplier > 0) ret += inp; return ret; }, // encode a string allowing it to be used in a query string of a url encodeUrl: function(input) { return encodeURIComponent(input); }, // decode a url encoded string decodeUrl: function(input) { return decodeURIComponent(input); }, // recursive variable dumper similar in output to PHP's var_dump(), the differences being: this function displays JS types and type names; JS doesn't provide an object number like PHP does varDump: function(inp, printFuncs, _indent, _recursionLevel) { if (!_recursionLevel) _recursionLevel = 0; if (!_indent) _indent = 1; var tab = this.strRepeat(" ", ++_indent); var type = this.getType(inp), out = type; var consrx = /(\w+)\(/; consrx.compile(); if (++_recursionLevel > 6) { return tab + inp + "Loop Detected\n"; } switch (type) { case "boolean": case "number": out += "(" + inp.toString() + ")"; break; case "string": out += "(" + inp.length + ") \"" + inp + "\""; break; case "function": if (printFuncs) { out += inp.toString().replace(/\n/g, "\n" + tab); } break; case "array": case "object": var atts = "", attc = 0; try { for (k in inp) { atts += tab + "[" + (/\D/.test(k) ? "\"" + k + "\"" : k) + "]=>\n" + tab + this.varDump(inp[k], printFuncs, _indent, _recursionLevel); ++attc; } } catch (e) {} if (type == "object") { var objname, objstr = inp.toString(); if (objname = objstr.match(/^\[object (\w+)\]$/)) { objname = objname[1]; } else { try { objname = inp.constructor.toString().match(consrx)[1]; } catch (e) { objname = 'unknown'; } } out += "(" + objname + ") "; } out += "(" + attc + ") {\n" + atts + this.strRepeat(" ", _indent - 1) +"}"; break; } return out + "\n"; }, // non resursive simple debug printer quickPrint: function(input,sep) { if (!sep) { var sep = "\n"; } var type = HTML_AJAX_Util.getType(input); switch (type) { case 'string': return input; case 'array': var ret = ""; for(var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) { ret += i+':'+input[i]+sep; } return ret; default: var ret = ""; for(var i in input) { ret += i+':'+input[i]+sep; } return ret; } }, //compat function for stupid browsers in which getElementsByTag with a * dunna work getAllElements: function(parentElement) { //check for idiot browsers if( document.all) { if(!parentElement) { var allElements = document.all; } else { var allElements = [], rightName = new RegExp( parentElement, 'i' ), i; for( i=0; i= 0) { absolute = absolute.substr(0, qPos); } var slashPos = Math.max(absolute.lastIndexOf('/'), absolute.lastIndexOf('\\')); if (slashPos < 0) { return absolute; } return (filename ? absolute.substr(slashPos + 1) : absolute.substr(0, slashPos + 1)); }, // return the query string from a url queryString: function(url) { var qPos = url.indexOf('?'); if (qPos >= 0) { return url.substr(qPos+1); } }, // return the absolute path to the given relative url absoluteURL: function(rel, absolute) { if (/^https?:\/\//i.test(rel)) { return rel; } if (!absolute) { var bases = document.getElementsByTagName('base'); for (i in bases) { if (bases[i].href) { absolute = bases[i].href; break; } } if (!absolute) { absolute = window.location.href; } } if (rel == '') { return absolute; } if (rel.substr(0, 2) == '//') { // starts with '//', replace everything but the protocol var slashesPos = absolute.indexOf('//'); if (slashesPos < 0) { return 'http:' + rel; } return absolute.substr(0, slashesPos) + rel; } var base = this.baseURL(absolute); var absParts = base.substr(0, base.length - 1).split('/'); var absHost = absParts.slice(0, 3).join('/') + '/'; if (rel.substr(0, 1) == '/') { // starts with '/', append it to the host return absHost + rel; } if (rel.substr(0, 1) == '.' && rel.substr(1, 1) != '.') { // starts with '.', append it to the base return base + rel.substr(1); } // remove everything upto the path and beyond absParts.splice(0, 3); var relParts = rel.split('/'); var loopStart = relParts.length - 1; relParts = absParts.concat(relParts); for (i = loopStart; i < relParts.length;) { if (relParts[i] == '..') { if (i == 0) { return absolute; } relParts.splice(i - 1, 2); --i; continue; } i++; } return absHost + relParts.join('/'); }, // sets the innerHTML of an element. the third param decides how to write, it replaces by default, others are append|prepend setInnerHTML: function(node, innerHTML, type) { node = this.getElement(node); if (type != 'append') { if (type == 'prepend') { var oldHtml = node.innerHTML; } node.innerHTML = ''; } var good_browser = (window.opera || navigator.product == 'Gecko'); var regex = /^([\s\S]*?)([\s\S]*?)<\/script>([\s\S]*)$/i; var regex_src = /src=["'](.*?)["']/i; var matches, id, script, output = '', subject = innerHTML; var scripts = []; while (true) { matches = regex.exec(subject); if (matches && matches[0]) { subject = matches[4]; id = 'ih_' + Math.round(Math.random()*9999) + '_' + Math.round(Math.random()*9999); var startLen = matches[3].length; script = matches[3].replace(/document\.write\(([\s\S]*?)\)/ig, 'document.getElementById("' + id + '").innerHTML+=$1'); output += matches[1]; if (startLen != script.length) { output += ''; } output += '' + script + ''; if (good_browser) { continue; } if (script) { scripts.push(script); } if (regex_src.test(matches[2])) { var script_el = document.createElement("SCRIPT"); var atts_regex = /(\w+)=["'](.*?)["']([\s\S]*)$/; var atts = matches[2]; for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var atts_matches = atts_regex.exec(atts); if (atts_matches && atts_matches[0]) { script_el.setAttribute(atts_matches[1], atts_matches[2]); atts = atts_matches[3]; } else { break; } } scripts.push(script_el); } } else { output += subject; break; } } innerHTML = output; if (good_browser) { var el = document.createElement('span'); el.innerHTML = innerHTML; for(var i = 0; i < el.childNodes.length; i++) { node.appendChild(el.childNodes[i].cloneNode(true)); } } else { node.innerHTML += innerHTML; } if (oldHtml) { node.innerHTML += oldHtml; } if (!good_browser) { for(var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { if (HTML_AJAX_Util.getType(scripts[i]) == 'string') { scripts[i] = scripts[i].replace(/^\s*\s*$/g, ''); window.eval(scripts[i]); } else { node.appendChild(scripts[i]); } } } return; }, classSep: '(^|$| )', hasClass: function(o, className) { var o = this.getElement(o); var regex = new RegExp(this.classSep + className + this.classSep); return regex.test(o.className); }, addClass: function(o, className) { var o = this.getElement(o); if(!this.hasClass(o, className)) { o.className += " " + className; } }, removeClass: function(o, className) { var o = this.getElement(o); var regex = new RegExp(this.classSep + className + this.classSep); o.className = o.className.replace(regex, " "); }, replaceClass: function(o, oldClass, newClass) { var o = this.getElement(o); var regex = new RegExp(this.classSep + oldClass + this.classSep); o.className = o.className.replace(regex, newClass); }, getElement: function(el) { if (typeof el == 'string') { return document.getElementById(el); } return el; } } // }}} // behavior/behavior.js /** ModifiedBehavior v1.0 by Ron Lancaster based on Ben Nolan's Behaviour, June 2005 implementation. Modified to use Dean Edward's CSS Query. Description ---------- Uses css selectors to apply javascript Behaviors to enable unobtrusive javascript in html documents. Dependencies ------------ Requires [Dean Edwards CSSQuery](http://dean.edwards.name/my/cssQuery/ "CSSQuery"). Usage ------ Behavior.register( "b.someclass", function(element) { element.onclick = function(){ alert(this.innerHTML); } } ); Behavior.register( "#someid u", function(element) { element.onmouseover = function(){ this.innerHTML = "BLAH!"; } }, getElementByID("parent") ); Call `Behavior.apply()` to re-apply the rules (if you update the dom, etc). License ------ Reproduced under BSD licensed. Same license as Ben Nolan's implementation. More information for Ben Nolan's implementation: */ var Behavior = { // so to an id to get debug timings debug : false, // private data member list : new Array(), // private method addLoadEvent : function(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { oldonload(); func(); } } }, // void apply() : Applies the registered ruleset. apply : function() { if (this.debug) { document.getElementById(this.debug).innerHTML += 'Apply: '+new Date()+'
'; var total = 0; } if (Behavior.list.length > 2) { cssQuery.caching = true; } for (i = 0; i < Behavior.list.length; i++) { var rule = Behavior.list[i]; if (this.debug) { var ds = new Date() }; var tags = cssQuery(rule.selector, rule.from); if (this.debug) { var de = new Date(); var ts = de.valueOf()-ds.valueOf(); document.getElementById(this.debug).innerHTML += 'Rule: '+rule.selector+' - Took: '+ts+' - Returned: '+tags.length+' tags
'; total += ts; } if (tags) { for (j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { rule.action(tags[j]); } } } if (Behavior.list.length > 2) { cssQuery.caching = false; } if (this.debug) { document.getElementById(this.debug).innerHTML += 'Total rule apply time: '+total; } }, // void register() : register a css selector, and the action (function) to take, // from (optional) is a document, element or array of elements which is filtered by selector. register : function(selector, action, from) { Behavior.list.push(new BehaviorRule(selector, from, action)); }, // void start() : initial application of ruleset at document load. start : function() { Behavior.addLoadEvent(function() { Behavior.apply(); }); } } function BehaviorRule(selector, from, action) { this.selector = selector; this.from = from; this.action = action; } Behavior.start(); // behavior/cssQuery-p.js /* cssQuery, version 2.0.2 (2005-08-19) Copyright: 2004-2005, Dean Edwards (http://dean.edwards.name/) License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/ */ eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)d[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('7 x=6(){7 1D="2.0.2";7 C=/\\s*,\\s*/;7 x=6(s,A){33{7 m=[];7 u=1z.32.2c&&!A;7 b=(A)?(A.31==22)?A:[A]:[1g];7 1E=18(s).1l(C),i;9(i=0;i<1E.y;i++){s=1y(1E[i]);8(U&&s.Z(0,3).2b("")==" *#"){s=s.Z(2);A=24([],b,s[1])}1A A=b;7 j=0,t,f,a,c="";H(j+~]/;7 20=/[\\s#.:>+~()@]|[^\\s#.:>+~()@]+/g;6 1y(s){8(S.l(s))s=" "+s;5 s.P(20)||[]};7 W=/\\s*([\\s>+~(),]|^|$)\\s*/g;7 I=/([\\s>+~,]|[^(]\\+|^)([#.:@])/g;7 18=6(s){5 s.O(W,"$1").O(I,"$1*$2")};7 1u={1Z:6(){5"\'"},P:/^(\'[^\']*\')|("[^"]*")$/,l:6(s){5 o.P.l(s)},1S:6(s){5 o.l(s)?s:o+s+o},1Y:6(s){5 o.l(s)?s.Z(1,-1):s}};7 1s=6(t){5 1u.1Y(t)};7 E=/([\\/()[\\]?{}|*+-])/g;6 R(s){5 s.O(E,"\\\\$1")};x.15("1j-2H",6(){D[">"]=6(r,f,t,n){7 e,i,j;9(i=0;i=c);5(c%m)==s}});x.15("1j-2m",6(){U=1i("L;/*@2l@8(@\\2k)U=K@2j@*/");8(!U){X=6(e,t,n){5 n?e.2i("*",t):e.X(t)};14=6(e,n){5!n||(n=="*")||(e.2h==n)};1h=1g.1I?6(e){5/1J/i.l(Q(e).1I)}:6(e){5 Q(e).1H.1f!="2g"};1e=6(e){5 e.2f||e.1G||1b(e)};6 1b(e){7 t="",n,i;9(i=0;(n=e.1F[i]);i++){1d(n.1c){F 11:F 1:t+=1b(n);1a;F 3:t+=n.2e;1a}}5 t}}});19=K;5 x}();',62,190,'|||||return|function|var|if|for||||||||pseudoClasses||||test|||this||AttributeSelector|||||||cssQuery|length|push|fr|id||selectors||case|nextElementSibling|while||tests|true|false|thisElement||replace|match|getDocument|regEscape||attributeSelectors|isMSIE|cache||getElementsByTagName|isNaN|slice|child||new|getAttribute|compareNamespace|addModule|previousElementSibling|compareTagName|parseSelector|loaded|break|_0|nodeType|switch|getTextContent|tagName|document|isXML|eval|css|_1|split|ch|parentNode|childElements|nthChild|disabled|firstElementChild|getText|RegExp|Quote|x22|PREFIX|lang|_2|arguments|else|all|links|version|se|childNodes|innerText|documentElement|contentType|xml|parseInt|indeterminate|checked|last|nth|lastElementChild|parse|_3|add|href|String|className|create|NS_IE|remove|toString|ST|select|Array|null|_4|mimeType|lastChild|firstChild|continue|modules|delete|join|caching|error|nodeValue|textContent|HTML|prefix|getElementsByTagNameNS|end|x5fwin32|cc_on|standard||odd|even|enabled|hash|location|target|not|only|empty|root|contains|level3|outerHTML|htmlFor|class|toLowerCase|Function|name|first|level2|prototype|item|scopeName|toUpperCase|ownerDocument|Document|XML|Boolean|URL|unknown|typeof|nextSibling|previousSibling|visited|link|valueOf|clearCache|catch|concat|constructor|callee|try'.split('|'),0,{}))